Las Isletas Inseln

Kayak Tour Granada

Lesezeit: 2 Minuten

One of my personal highlights in Nicaragua is definitely the kayak tour through Las Isletas on Lago Cocibolca. The largest lake in Nicaragua, respectively second largest in Latin America, has a lot to offer and kayaking through the many small islands is one of them. You can find the best rated and very well organized one here.*

Las Isletas Inseln
You paddle through the many small Las Isletas islands. | © Backpacker Dude

🕶️ Things to see

The best way to explore the islands is with a tour of several hours where you will see the vibrant vegetation as well as the many wild animals of the islands. From the lake you can also see the Mombacho volcano and the old Spanish fortress. At the fortress you can have a fresh coconut to drink before you head back.

Kajak Tour Granada
The kayak tour starts in the morning and you will see the sunrise. | © Backpacker Dude

By the way, in the lake there are bull sharks and other marine animals adapted to fresh water, which you will not see on the kayak tour. Instead, you will see a lot of monkeys, colorful birds, and the shelters of the locals who live on the islands. Each of the islands is also different and the tour is very varied.

💡 Good to know

  • The kayak station is located only 15 minutes from the city center and pick up from your accommodation will be organized.
  • Single and double kayaks are available, as well as life jackets for your safety.
  • You should bring sunscreen and water. Optionally, you can put on swimwear and jump into the water towards the end of the tour.
Kajak Las Isletas
You will meet many animal inhabitants of the islands. | © Backpacker Dude

💁🏻‍♂️ Conclusion Tour

The kayak tour was an absolute dream and we explored countless islands with their human as well as animal inhabitants. The tour is officially 2,5h, but our guide took his time and so we were 3,5h on the water. The good thing was that we started early and thus avoided the hot midday sun. The early start also made it even more deserted and just relaxing. If you are in Granada and have a morning to spare, I definitely recommend this tour. By the way, you can find the tour operator here.*

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